Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Karl Marx The Mastermind Behind Communism - 901 Words

Karl Marx can be thought of as the mastermind behind communism. However, most people do not realize that his interpretation of communism is vastly different from the communist rules that have lead in the 20th and 21st centuries. Marx believes that capitalism, the typical economic system that accompanies democratic government structures, fails to allow for individuals to prosper because of the class structure of their societies. This is because human being are creative creatures that transform the world, and are transformed by the changes; and in capitalism, the worker is just the commodity. By altering the world around us, we are effectively putting our mark on that world; in other words, we are putting ourselves into the world around us, we are shaping the world by our actions. Marx refers to this as objectification. When one is restricted from directly altering the world around him or her, they cannot connect with not only the object, but the process of making the object, from his or her species, and from other individuals; he or she experiences alienation. Capitalism, Marx believes, will only lead people into jobs where they cannot but help to experience alienation. As previously mentioned, there are four types of alienation: from the object, from the process of making the object, from one’s species-life, and from other individuals. A man can become alienated from the object that he is creating in several ways. One of those ways is by being a step in the process. This isShow MoreRelatedKarl Marx And Socialism Negatively Impacted Society1803 Words   |  8 Pages How Karl Marx and Socialism Negatively Impacted Society Marxism, also known as Socialism, and Communism, is â€Å"the political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by a man known as Karl Marx; it is especially: a theory and practice of socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society† (merriam-webster.com). Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are responsible forRead More Animal Farm: Communism Through The Eyes Of George Orwell Essay2475 Words   |  10 Pages Animal Farm: Communism Through The Eyes of George Orwell Throughout history, writers have written about many different subjects based on their personal experiences. George Orwell was the pen name of Eric Blair. He is one of the most famous political satirists of the twentieth century. He was born in Bengal, India in 1903 to an English Civil Servant and died in 1950. He attended Eton from 1917 to 1921, and served with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922 to 1927 before moving to EuropeRead MoreThe Paradigm Of Conflict Theory1784 Words   |  8 PagesKarl Marx, a famous German philosopher and sociologist, was a communist (Econfaculty). Which might turn some heads; however, his perspectives on certain issues are highly touted in the sociological world. He revolutionized the way in which people believe society is ran. So much so, that his most profound theory is one of the three major sociological paradigm that is studied in arguably every sociology class within the first week or two. Conflict Theory, created by Marx in the 1800s, is in the realmRead MoreThe Secret Of The Illuminati2042 Words   |  9 Pagesthe Illuminati wanted others to think. This is best examplified in the work of Karl Marx, a known Illuminati (Michael Journal Organization, 2013). Although Marx was an Illuminati member, like many other memebers, he hid is associatd with the group behind the Legaues of Justice, a popular front for the Illuminati during this period. In highlighting Illuminati values examplified by Marx in the Communist Manifesto, Marx states, â€Å"we must war against all prevailign ideas of religion, of the state, ofRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Orwell Essay2648 Words   |  11 Pagessociety. With close attention to the dictatorial reign of tyrant Joseph Stalin, Orwell became a critic of political parties, capitalism and communism. One of Orwell s greatest anti-totalitarian novels is the Animal Farm, which is based on totalitarian government and ruling. Animal Farm was written in 1944 and deals with the idea of a totalitarian communism system in which there is one ruling party that paints a terrifying picture of freedom nonexistent to control the social action (working class)Read MoreSmith s Attack On Mercantilism3631 Words   |  15 Pagescould settle on specialized choices however not monetary ones. Over whatever remains of the century, that feedback would end up being exceptionally farsighted. Communism stunned our era, Hayek later said. Yet, he included, it significantly changed the viewpoint of dreamers coming back from the war. I know, for I was one of them.... Communism let us know that we had been searching for development in the wrong direction(Stanislaw and Yergin 1998). Free market of Friedrich von Hayek The Austrian-conceived

Monday, December 16, 2019

Most Played Online Games Free Essays

string(116) " or a skateboard to soar and fly off to different parts of the world in their pursuit of stronger monsters to slay\." Online Games 1 INTRODUCTION The youth of today no longer seem to spend their leisure activities like in the olden days; outdoor games or playing with toys, instead, they spend their free time in their homes, internet cafes or computer shops simply to satisfy their hunger; and that hunger is Online Gaming. Online gaming has such a profound impact on not only the young, but dynamically every age group as well. So far, virtually anyone is able to go on a computer and punch through the keys and mouse in order to get a high score, chat with players, get the rarest items, and level up as fast as possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Most Played Online Games or any similar topic only for you Order Now Yes, there seems to be no restriction as to whom, how or what online gaming can extend to. Almost half of college students who play video, computer or online games admit that it keeps them from studying â€Å"some† or a â€Å"lot,† according to the Pew study. About 9 percent said that gaming was a way to avoid studying. There are kids today that prefer to skip school and stay home to level up in a  MMORPG  game. The others that actually do attend school have trouble concentrating because they are distracted. They are distracted because they consistently think about the online game and the plans that they are going to do. Resulting of this they hardly participate and get into class discussions. Since they spend whatever extra time they have in an online game, they fail to meet the requirements of school. This distressing stuff caught the attention of the research, because of what’s happening to the youth. Why most of the students attract of the online games? Is because of the popular online games? What are the popular online games? Does it affect their academic performance? That’s the question that people want to surely ask. For this, the researchers want to know the reason behind this what the most teenagers most played online games, and also to know if it is Affecting their academic performance. Online Games 2 Review of Related Literature Top 10 Most Popular Online Games of 2007 During the first few years of their existence, people thought online games were doomed to be one hit wonders, but this has proven to be untrue. Online games are extremely popular and are devouring the gaming market. 1. Pangya Before â€Å"Pangya†, online gamers never really had anything to say about golf. After â€Å"Pangya†, online gamers around the world have this to say about golf: Super swing, Pangya! This offbeat yet highly entertaining online game brought golf to the attention of millions of online gamers worldwide, and the phenomenon never seems to let go. â€Å"Pangya: Season 3†, the latest expansion patch, brought the ever-popular Kaz the Samurai Warrior into the world of Pangya. Additional features from the new expansion patch includes several new golf courses, a revamped trading system where players may buy and sell in-game items, and, last but not the least, the much-awaited Overworld feature. 2. Ran Online Do you remember what it feels like to be the top student of your class? How about being the class bully, or being bullied? If so, then this online game is set to blow you away. â€Å"Ran Online† is a campus-based online game in the tradition of â€Å"Ragnarok Online†. The creators have created a rich school environment where players are allowed complete freedom of movement. So now you can bring your character to the next level while exploring the game’s rich campus settings. You can also try your luck battling it out with other players in player vs. player, or PVP mode. Online Games 3 3. Granado Espada Known as â€Å"The Sword of the New World† in the United States and other European countries, â€Å"Granada Espada† is the current trend setter in a competitive market. Available character classes include the fighter, the wizard, the musketeer, the Scout, and the Elementalist. The game developers, IMC Games, decided to do away with the popular fantastical formula. They, instead, took a notorious era in the history of mankind, the Age of Exploration, threw in a bunch of cool-looking characters, and created a game with tons of flare and personality. 4. RF Online Do you love magic and heavy machine guns? Then â€Å"RF Online† is for you. â€Å"RF Online† is the blockbuster online game from developer CCR. Set in the distant Novus system, a galaxy where high forms of sorcery and technology are at constant collision with one another, â€Å"RF Online†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s plot follows the three-way war between the Accretia clan, the Bellato clan, and the Cora clan. The game-play itself is unique when it comes to the use of race-specific abilities, something of a treat to look forward to in PVP. â€Å"RF Online† has recently become free to play in many countries around the world. 5. Perfect World â€Å"Perfect World† is a tale of soul and swords. The game’s developers, inspired by ancient Chinese mythology, have succeeded in creating a world that defies all conventions. In â€Å"Perfect World†, beasts talk, gigantic birds rule the sky, and humans and elves fight together to bring down ferocious creatures. The game offers a plethora of interesting side-quests and features, including a territorial battle feature, a mount system, a marriage system, a crafting system, and a phone lock feature, specifically designed to combat the worsening crisis in account hacking. Online Games 4 6. Final Fantasy XI â€Å"Final Fantasy XI† is an online gamer and Final Fantasy fanatic’s dream come true. In this game, players assume the role of any of the five tribes that inhabit the world of Vana’diel: the Elvaan tribe, the Hume tribe, the Galka tribe, the Mithra tribe, and the Tarutaru tribe. The game has received a generous amount of critical applause since it initial release in 2002. 7. Fly for Fun â€Å"Fly for Fun† (sometimes called FlyFF) holds the record for being the first online game to offer complete freedom of movement in the air! In this game, players can use a broom or a skateboard to soar and fly off to different parts of the world in their pursuit of stronger monsters to slay. You read "Most Played Online Games" in category "Essay examples" The game is at its ninth version as of writing. Version 10 is slated to come out soon. Available classes include mercenary (becomes Knight or Blade), magician (becomes Psykeeper or Elementor), assist (becomes Ringmaster or Billposter), and acrobat (becomes Ranger or Jester). 8. Ragnarok Online â€Å"Ragnarok Online† may be the epitome of online gaming. No other online game managed to attract the attention of millions of PC gamers around the world at a time when network games, like â€Å"Counter Strike† and â€Å"Starcraft† were primarily responsible for burnt crisp video cards and hard drives. Ragnarok† features an ensemble cast of fantasy character classes: the mercenary class (good with the sword), the thief class (adept at sneaking and confusion), the mage class (adept at magic and sorcery), the archer class (good at long-distance combat), the acolyte class (party healers and buffers), and the merchant class (your average traders). Online Games 5 9. Tant ra Online â€Å"Tantra† many be a weird name, but it’s a great game. Set within an enigmatic universe where human summoners and ghastly monsters rule the land, â€Å"Tantra† is one of the most innovative online games of all time. All â€Å"Tantra† players are required to choose one of the three gods: Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. The consequence of your chosen god becomes evident once you enter the game’s fantastic PVP arena. â€Å"Tantra†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s PVP mode is like no other; it is an assault on the senses. Depending on your chosen god, you will be transported to your god’s castle, and as a follower it is your duty to launch an invasion on the castles of the other two gods. When the three tribes collide, all hell breaks loose, and that is when the game of â€Å"Tantra† reaches its finest hour. 10. World of Warcraft Legendary game developer, Blizzard took its award-winning fantasy world to new heights when it unleashed this mammoth online game. Available character classes include the druid, the hunter, the mage, the paladin, the priest, the rogue, the shaman, the warlock class and the warrior. Huge, breathing environments, a crafty roster of playable classes, a thrifty trading system and an addictive PVP system makes this game a blast to play. Top 10 Most Popular Online Games of 2007. (2007). http://crunkish. com/top-10-online-games-of-2007/ Online Games 6 Video game use and academic performance Among gamers and public, there are differing opinions about video games and how it affects children’s academic performance. Most gamers say it has a positive or no effect on their academic performance, most parents and teachers I heard state the opposite. As for academia, well this article isn’t the first to look at video game use and academic performance. There are certainly others, but this was in my personal library. This study analyzes the correlation between video game usage and academic performance. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and grade-point average (GPA) scores were used to gauge academic performance. The amount of time a student spends playing video games has a negative correlation with students’ GPA and SAT scores. As video game usage increases, GPA and SAT scores decrease. A chi-squared analysis found a p value for video game usage and GPA was greater than a 95% confidence level (0. 005 p 0. 01). This finding suggests that dependence exists. SAT score and video game usage also returned a p value that was significant (0. 01 p 0. 05). Chi-squared results were not significant when comparing time spent studying and an individual’s SAT score. This research suggests that video games may have a detrimental effect on an individual’s GPA and possibly on SAT scores. Although these results show statistical dependence, proving cause and effect remains difficult, since SAT scores represent a single test on a given day. The effects of video games maybe be cumulative; however, drawing a conclusion is difficult because SAT scores represent a measure of general knowledge. GPA versus video games is more reliable because both involve a continuous measurement of engaged activity and performance. The connection remains difficult because of the complex nature of student life and academic performance. Also, video game usage may simply be a function of specific personality types and characteristics. Anand, V. (2007). A study of time management: The correlation between video game usage and academic performance markers. CyberPsychology Behavior, 10(4), 552-559. Online Games 7 College students are avid gamers Video games aren’t just for kids. For American college students, games are as much a part of life as studying and partying. A study from Pew Internet Research finds that 70 percent of college students play video games at least â€Å"once in a while. † The study, â€Å"Let The Games Begin: Gaming technology and entertainment among college students,† was conducted by Steve Jones, a professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The goal was to learn about the impact of video games on college student’s lives. The survey was given to college students at four-year and two-year public and private colleges and universities between March 2002 and October 2002. Video games have transformed pop culture. Sales of video games have bypassed Hollywood box office receipts in the last few years. But only recently have researchers started studying the pervasive impact of video games on young people’s lives. The Pew study comes on the heels of research from the University of Rochester that found college students who regularly play shoot-em-up video games have sharper visual skills than those who don’t. The Pew study smashes a few gender stereotypes about avid gamers, finding that slightly more women (60 percent) than men (40 percent) reported playing computer and online games. About the same number of men and women play video games. Women prefer computer games over violent video games played on consoles partly because they don’t usually require the player to choose a character. Online games like Diamond Mine or Tetris are popular among women because gender isn’t an issue. Online Games 8 Men play for fun (45 percent); women play when they’re bored (33 percent). Video games are also a way guys bond with their buddies; 51 percent of men believing that gaming improved their friendship with friends. Only 34 percent of women believe video games help their friendships. Nearly two-thirds of the students said games were a good way to spend time when friends weren’t around, but they also said that video games didn’t take time away from family or friends. Average video gamers in college aren’t the stereotypical alienated loners locked away in darkened, pizza box-filled dorm rooms. Most of the study’s participants had positive associations with video games, saying they felt pleasant (36 percent) when they played or that they were challenging (45 percent). In particular, students said playing video games were a way to spend more time with their friends, one of the key trends spotted by the researchers. Rather than separating leisure activities like video games from the rest of their lives, college students stole time between classes to play or as a brief distraction from writing papers. Multi-tasking is also big on campus with students gaming while instant messaging or even downloading music. Video games are also prime-time for up-all-night college students. About 41 percent of college gamers play after 9 p. m. ith only 8 percent reporting that they play before noon. Weaver, Jane. (2007). http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/3078424/ns/technology_and_science-games/t/college-studen Online Games 9 Synthesis It is clear from the literature that the effect of video games on the youth is both positive and negative. Video games can certainly lead to negative effects such as social isolation and increased aggression, but they are going to remain a part of college culture for the imaginable future. It is important to understand the positive and negative aspects of video games. Playing games socially as part of balanced lifestyle seems to have some positive effects. Playing violent games is linked to several negative problems. The description of women in video games can have a negative effect on the gender views of men and the identity and self-worth of women. Some research has shown that video games may be one way to engage students more in the learning process. This seems especially true in areas involving analytical skills. They can contribute another way of learning in addition to the many other academic methods which are currently popular. There is ongoing research on how to best leverage games in education, if they should be used at all. Students and educators need to be aware of the dangers of excessive gaming. It can have academic, social, and spiritual consequences. Students have been known to completely disconnect from their friends and surroundings when playing games like World of Warcraft. As was shown by several statistics presented earlier a small percentage of students, especially men, spend a huge amount of time playing video games. Balance needs to be emphasized as an important part of the healthy Christian lifestyle, and video games are no exception. How to cite Most Played Online Games, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Institution Law of Governance-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Write a blog piece on the requirements in the Australian constitution that restrict members of parliament from holding foreign citizenship. Answer: According to the section 44(i) of the constitution of Australia there are some list of requirements for every person who are to be voted as member of the parliament. According to section 44(i) of the constitution of Australia it is important for all the parliament members to trust and be loyal to the government of Australia. Any person who has dual citizenship of any other nation cannot hold the membership of the parliament of Australia. No member of the Australian parliament should be in any influence of the any other foreign government. We can say that this section of the Australian constitution is old as it was formed when there was no concept of dual citizenship. There is an excluded clause of the constitution that states that no person holding dual citizenship is allowed to get involved in federal politics as it was thought to be controversial and problematic (Leblang 2017). Two questions has been raised by the Australian constitution is that Whether the principle of dual citizenship be removed from federal politics? Is it important to declare dual citizenship wrong as to get involved in federal politics and what are the necessary stages involved to denounce dual citizenship? The subsection 44(i) of the Australia constitution has the motive to avoid the influence of the other states that can be both actual and perceived conflicts. The main objective of the constitution of Australia that every elected member of the parliament of Australia should have loyalty towards their own nation and must not be influenced by the other nation states. Till date it has been stated that none of the member of the parliament has been disqualified to stand in election or to be inside the parliament. As mentioned in section 44(i) of the constitution of Australia, there are several issues that has arisen by the provisions. The issues that has been raised by the interpretation of the Australian constitution are as follows: The initial issue that was raised is about the acknowledgement and meaning of allegiance, adhering to foreign power and loyalty. There are some requirements of providing the difference between the subject and the citizen that has also been highlighted in this issue. The extension of dual citizenship among the Australian citizens has also been identified as second issue. Third and the last issue that has been highlighted is the requirement of the reasonable steps that must be taken by an individual to give up the citizenship of other country. According to the case Sykes v Clearly, Australia High Court held obiter dicta that Sykes v Cleary , Mr. Delacretaz and Mr. Kardamitsisand, the candidates of the Australian labor party and of liberal party has been disqualified to be chosen as the member of parliament under subsection 44(I). But it has been stated that the judgment was focus on the disqualification of Mr. cleary but not on the disqualification of Mr. Kardamitsisand and Mr. Delacretaz. In the case of Sykes v Cleary there was two statements given by the high court of Australia which are subjected to the interpretation of the sub Section 44 subjected to the interpretation of the sub Section 44(I). First statement given by the court stated that citizenship of any other country of any individual is to be judged by the law of the country and the related individual is the citizen of Australia. The second statement that has been stated by the court is that any person holding citizenship of any other country should not be excluded from being elected in the parliament until the person takes step to give up the dual citizenship. According to another case of Sue vs Hill 1999 the Australia High Court delete the effect and interpretation of the above mentioned section. In the above mentioned case the court meant the word foreign power to comprise to comprise the nation of UK and Commonwealth. The Section 44(i) of the Constitution of Australia has continued to create havoc in the Australian political system. Creative problems for minor parties as well as for the major parties. It can be stated as the crisis of the constitution against the policy of multiculturalism of Australia. A new question has been raised by the above mentioned discussion is that whether the Constitution be amended to stop giving importance to the section 44(I). There is a clear requirement of amendment of this section that has been seen by the current events and incidents. The primary commitment of every individual is towards Australia that has been stated by the provision. According to modern law, many citizens of Australia holds dual citizenship which has created havoc in the functioning of the Parliament because of the history of multiculturalism of Australia (Alarian and Goodman 2017). The above-mentioned section states that this principle can be inconsistent because the country should be governed by the representative of the people. This section has been said to be inappropriate because half of the Australian population is born in the other nation or their parents are born in abroad. The amendment if this principle is possible because it is inapplicable. As per the section 128 of the Constitution of Australia any law can be amended but there are some procedures to be followed. In the above-mentioned case the requirement to amend this section of the Constitution is totally unavoidable and it must not be a problematic task. There should be a revised proposal to amend the Constitution and it should have the criteria in it that would assure the candidates who are in favor to amend this section of the Constitution to meet the eligibility to amend (Mazzolari 2017). This principle of not allowing a person to be the member of the Parliament as they hold dual citizenship is not only applied in Australia as well as in other states like Israel, Egypt and Sri Lanka. But there are several other countries who hold dual citizenship like India Indonesia and China. This principle was created so that allegiance and loyalty must be there among the citizens. The United States of America follows the principle of natural born that can only run the presidential election. Because of this principle there was a lot of controversial parts for the former presidential election of Barrack Obama. In Myanmar the married foreigners are prohibited from participating in the elections. That is why Aung Sao's daughter Aung San Suu Kyi who was a famous revolutionary was not elected to the president of the state. A post named state counsellor was invented by her to run the government of the country. The law of Mexico prohibits the migrants from organizing presidential campaign s and taking part in presidential elections but also prohibits their children as well to take part in presidential elections. There are other rules of Mexican law is that if any Mexican does not submit their passport of any other country are not permissible to take part in police force or fly an airplane or be a captain of the ship. These concepts have been brought out from their identity. According to the case of Sam Dastari, an illustration has been given to this treacherous act that he was a member of the parliament of Australia who has been currently accused for holding dual citizenship as he was on the position of Senator and after that he made declarations to China that he has taken bribes from the companies of China who have links with the company of china (Harpaz and Mateos 2018). In the concluding part it can be mentioned that the section 44(I) of the Constitution of Australia, forbids any individual to hold double citizenship of any other nation states to be the member of the Parliament of Australia as to assure that he or she is not in the influence of any kind of power of the other nation states. There were many arguments that was held and debated by the Australian high court in the famous cases like Sue v Hill and Sykes v Cleary. This idea of dual citizenship did not even exist when this section has been formed in the Australian Constitution. As Australia has multicultural history, there were lot of problems held because of this provision to run the Parliament smoothly and efficiently. The section 128 lays the provisions of the procedure of amendment of the section of the Constitution of Australia as it was proposed to be amended. This section explains that any law of the constitution which is to be altered should be passed by the absolute majority in bot h the houses of the Commonwealth Parliament and if both the houses of the parliament passes the law then it goes to the submission procedure to referendum for at least two months after it has been passed by the parliament but it will be for less than six months This proposed plan to amend the section 44(i) will help the government of Australia and the constitution of Australia to function properly and effectively and no havoc will be created in future. References Alarian, H.M. and Goodman, S.W., 2017. Dual Citizenship Allowance and Migration Flow: An Origin Story. Comparative Political Studies, 50(1), pp.133-167. Harpaz, Y. and Mateos, P., 2018. Strategic citizenship: negotiating membership in the age of dual nationality. Leblang, D., 2017. Harnessing the diaspora: Dual citizenship, migrant return remittances. Comparative Political Studies, 50(1), pp.75-101. Mazzolari, F., 2017. Determinants of naturalization: the role of dual citizenship laws. Sue v Hill - [1999] HCA 30 Sykes v Cleary - [1992] HCA 60