Monday, February 17, 2020

Recent Developments in the UK Housing Market Essay - 1

Recent Developments in the UK Housing Market - Essay Example The researcher states that the government should renovate existing houses because the households earning low incomes are entirely relying on private rented sectors that are not regulated. These areas are characterized by poor living conditions and security. It is important for the government to develop more housing because there are more than 1.7 million families on local authority housing waiting lists. This is a significantly huge number. The government should ensure that the new houses are environmentally friendly and affordable to everyone needing them. The first time buyers in the UK property market are important because they act as liquidity source to the whole housing market. These first-time buyers generally bridge the gap thus enhancing transactions as regards the housing property. The rates of transactions that proceed in the housing market may stall if the first time buyers are unavailable. Between 1998 and 2007, house prices increased steadily in the United Kingdom, makin g the ownership for the first buyers to be unaffordable. Interest rates for the first time buyers affected them to a comparatively wide margin. This is because the group may not have built up a previous equity and many of them may be earning low incomes than other people. When the first time buyers think of house affordability, they first consider the real interest rates given. On the other hand, the first time buyers may face more severe affordability burdens when prices of houses quickly upsurge. Lastly, it is imperative to note that structural shifts in mortgage or credit availability are other factors that led to fall of first-time buyers purchasing homes. In 2010, the government introduced a mortgage rescue scheme that protected the low-income households from being recuperated. The mortgage scheme consisted of two parts including the equity loan which was an interest loan issued by various housing associations. The interest rates could pay off between 25% and 75% of the mortgag e rates thereby reducing monthly costs. On the other hand, an interest rate of 1.75% was implemented on the loan.

Monday, February 3, 2020

The social and political structure of the Safavid Empire Essay

The social and political structure of the Safavid Empire - Essay Example The article analyses the differences and similarities between the two early empires. Among the most evident similarities included their cultures, the author portrays cultural similarities in the attire of the people from the two early societies. Firstly, both were empires thus had definite prides they wished to safeguard. The two societies built houses in similar structures and designs and even habited the same region, the expansive Middle East. The two societies thus often interacted through various means including warfare since they were neighbors. In one of such wars, the Ottoman won thus gaining greater influence over the Safavid. The victory earned the Ottoman Empire numerous commercial rights to trade with other neighboring communities as it quelled the volatility in the region for some time. Among other additional similarities in the two empires included the similarity in faith, both the empires ascribed to the Islamic faith thus had similar religious structures, which also in fluenced the leadership of both the societies as the religious leaders had influence in the governance of the Islamic societies. The history of the life and accomplishments of Mehed the second The royal history of Mehed the conqueror begins with the return of his father, Sultan Murad to the throne. By abducing the throne, Murad earned his son Mehed the throne through inheritance thus paving the way for the life and success of one of the greatest conquerors of the time. Mehed ascended into power with the death of his father on 18 February 1451. As a legitimate ruler, Mehed could now formulate and implement his own policies. Among his fundamental fantasies was conquering Istanbul. He therefore invested a lot of time and resources in planning his inversion and conquest of the region that would earn him exclusive commercial rights and influence. He therefore constructed the fortress of Bogaz-Kesen, which would facilitate the attack on Istanbul. He thereafter invaded and conquered Istanbul successfully thus earning the control of the commercial hub and ordered its reconstruction as part of his new territory. The s uccessful inversion of Istanbul motivated the empire into other successive inversions including the capture of Enoz, Tasoz and Serbia thus making Mehed one of the greatest conquerors. The poetry of Shah Ismali the first Shah Ismali possessed poetic talent, which he utilized in the composition of numerous verses most of which are stored in museums in Britain. As an early poet, the Shah wrote in the native divan language, a language spoken in the southern Turkey. He wrote poems exclusively on Turkey. He received great inspiration from his friend and colleague Sultan Selim who on the other wrote exclusively on Persia. His works just as any other contemporary poetry covered such features of the society as culture, politics and the