Friday, May 22, 2020

The Positive Of Using The Internet - 1406 Words

The positive of using the Internet Introduction: Today, the internet is going to be a larger part of our lives .There are many people who like to use the internet every day .There isn’t a specific age to use the internet, users range started from children to older people. Using the internet is going to be important in the future. Using the internet can be understood pretty well because it is very convenient. Users just push the Start button and search for the necessary information in Google rather than spend a long time searching for a certain information in the library. It has become very convenient for every single person to post his/ her inquiry about anything in the social media, a lot of people with expertise will answer this inquiry. So, if to think deeply, these days most of the people has an access to the internet. They can use it in everywhere. For example, the public libraries, schools, and coffee shops. The internet has invaded our daily life. People know can use the internet in their phones to get updated 24 /7. That means know we are facing a new type of addiction which is the technology addictiveness. In terms of shopping, the internet know has been intensively used for purpose. More people are using the internet for buying things. Many people stated that it is more useful for them than going to the shopping malls. They don t have to go out their houses for buying things, and theyShow MoreRelatedHow The Internet Affects The Human Brain Changes Its Pathways And Alters How It Retains Information?1405 Words   |  6 PagesRough Draft Are you on the connected to the internet every day? If so, your brain’s way of functioning is changing, for better or for worse. After five days of accessing the internet, the human brain changes its pathways and alters how it retains information. When a person uses the internet repeatedly, their brain remembers facts based on where to find the information instead of the actual information. 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It is rare to come across a business or household that does not experience routine use of a computer in some shape or form. Technology has allowed people to have higher levels of convenience and proficiency. Many people today would find it very difficult to go back to an age where computers were not in existence. In addition, society has become accustomed to on-demand answers or solutions to requests or services and the Internet is the platformRead MoreThe Positive And Negative Effects Of Technology In The Classroom959 Words   |  4 Pages people question how much technology helps a student, as well as whether or not it actually hinders their learning. Both positive and negative effects have made themselves present, and both are continuing to grow in number. Whether liked or not, technology is a large part of today’s world, and people will only continue to use it as it grows. 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